Why Are We Setting Requirements?
Soy and palm oil are raw materials often associated with serious environmental and social risks, such as deforestation, loss of biodiversity, pollution, poor working conditions, and violations of indigenous peoples’ land rights.
By setting requirements for sustainable production, we aim to contribute to positive development in producing countries, ensuring that raw materials are sourced without negatively impacting people or the environment. The long-term goal is for soy and palm oil to be cultivated sustainably, without causing deforestation or land conversion, and with full respect for human rights.
What Do These Requirements Mean for You as a Supplier?
By December 31, 2025, you as a supplier must ensure that all soy and palm oil in your products, come from sustainable cultivation and production. For soy, this includes both ingredients in products, such as soy protein and edamame beans, as well as soy used indirectly in animal feed. For palm oil, it includes palm oil and palm kernel oil, including all fractions and derivatives as well as palm fat embedded in feed.
The raw materials must be verified as more sustainable, for example through certification, and the requirements apply to both your own brands and private label products.
Verifications for Soy and Animal-Based Products Currently Approved:
- RTRS IP/Segregated
- RTRS Mass Balance*
- RTRS Book & Claim (Credits)*
- ProTerra
- Donau Soja/Europe Soya
- Organic certification such as EU Organic or KRAV
- German quality standard QS
- Swedish animal-based products
Verifications for Palm Oil Currently Approved:
- RSPO Identity Preserved
- RSPO Segregated
- RSPO Mass Balance*
- RSPO Book & Claim (Credits)*
- Organic certification such as KRAV and EU Organic
* Accepted only alongside supplier dialogue and requirements to ensure a transition to segregated more sustainable soy and palm oil.
If you already meet the requirements, you need to be transparent with information and demonstrate that the raw materials are verified more sustainable.
If you do not yet meet the requirements, it is important that you start mapping your supply chains and actively work toward transitioning to the use of verified more sustainable soy and palm oil.
We look forward to working with you to ensure sustainable cultivation and production of soy and palm oil.